Welcome Summer! This Summer Fun Playlist is a bucket list for the summer months of July and August. The aim behind creating this list of 26 activities, is to direct a more productive playtime, and encourage bonding between siblings, and with parents/guardians.
Printables have been provided for 12 of the activities included in the playlist. The idea is to create memories of good times in spite of a global struggle. Take pictures to document the activities and fun, print and cut them out, and stick them on the portrait pages. A complete playlist has been provided, but feel free to create your own with the blank list. Every activity should be adjusted to suit your circumstances as necessary.
Contents are as follows:
. Summer playlist of 26 activities
. A blank playlist sheet
.Weekly play schedule planner
.Monthly play planner for July and August
.Daily play planner
.Backyard Map activity template
.Two Name Game answer sheets
.Two Comic Strip templates
.Spelling Bee Wordlist
.Score Sheet (any game eg. hula, game night, name game)
.Treasure Hunt (Rastafari items theme)
.Rastafari Word Hunt (Answer Key is provided for this)
.Ethiopia Map Hunt
.Amharic Wordlist
.Plant Growth Tracker and Weekly Report
.Banana Bread Recipe
.Summer Memories photo pages
.Summer Fun Journal page
Why get the Summer Fun Playlist?
Because of the pandemic, going outdoors is not entirely a safe or legal endeavour. Hopefully this playlist can help eliminate boredom at home, and expose the youth to activities that teach them something new, reinforce Rastafari culture, and bring out their resourcefulness, creativity and innovation.
Making a commitment to completing the playlist is an ideal goal for children to aspire to, reinforcing the importance of being responsible and accountable for a job well done. These activities can serve as rewards for any summer lessons that need to be done as well.
ILA's Summer Fun Playlist Printables
This item is the property of ILA Designs. No part of this product can be shared, edited or sold by a third party. Purchasing and downloading this pack provides one teacher or homeschooling parent with permission to use this pack for teaching.